I recently logged on to my Ebay account to purchase and bid on some antique cups and saucers. This fanciful and highly creative description of a mustache cup left me in stitches. I don’t know what size tea bags the seller was using, but the “piece of porcelain molded in with gold painting and a hole” wouldn’t fit any tea bags I have seen. They’d most likely be ripped to shreds if one tried to pull a tea bag through the hole. As one can never have too many mustache cups, if one’s husband has a mustache, I snagged this beauty. Below, is the wonderfully creative description.
“This is an antique elegant raised star porcelain tea cup. The main portion of the cup is green and cut onto a sideways wave motion. The inside edge of the cup is lined with gold edging. Inside of the cup there is also a piece of porcelain molded in with gold painting and a hole to the side of it. This is designed so that once the tea bag has soaked, the person can pull the tea bag through the hole and squeeze out the excess juices without getting their hands dirty. The handle is elegantly and intricately designed for maximum comfort and also has gold painted onto certain parts of it...”