Wednesday, April 17, 2019

1920’s Advertising for Mothers

I love to see what life was like for women during Georgia Belle Graber’s days as a mother of young children. I wonder if she used Lydia’s E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. The adverts for the elixir were found in all of the local and larger newspapers.

1921 Humor in the News

What was found funny in the news pages of the 1920’s... From May, 1921

Wilson College girls got out their examination books today and answered the now famous Edison questions. Here is the result of their labor over some of the questions:

Q. What star is it that has recently been measured and found to be of enormous size?

A. Fatty Arbuckle.

Q. Who was Cleopatra?

A. Anthony's sweetie.

Q. What is coke?

A. Seven cents, including; war tax.

Q. Where do we get peanuts from?

A. The circus.

Q. From where do we get our dates?

A. The University of Pennsylvania.

Q. To what is the change of seasons due?

A. Good teamwork on the part of the milliners and dressmakers.

Q. What state is the largest?

A. Matrimony.