Saturday, June 16, 2018

Tea Table Etiquette

                 Patented design for a tea service
 in 1873
          Quaint Customs Once Observed by British Dames
Tea drinking has become very fashionable among us of late years, almost as much as it was in England a century ago, but the prevailing customs at the table are different. The "teacup times of hood and hoop" had their own etiquette, of a sort not likely to be revived. What should we think now of a fashionable lady who cooled her tea with her breath? 
Yet Young says of a certain bewildering Lady Betty:
Her two red lips affected zephyrs blow To cool the Bohea and inflame the beau. While one white finger and a thumb conspire To lift the cup and make the world admire.

Again a passage in contemporary literature shows that it was a lack of good manners to take much cream or sugar in one's tea. Says a lady of quality to her daughter:
“I must further advise you, Harriet, not to heap such mountains of sugar into your tea, nor to pour such a deluge of cream in. People will certainly take you for the daughter of a dairymaid.” 
Pinky fingers should not be thrust out! ~ Not a real "Dame," and not the "daughter of a dairymaid," either, I doubt Dame Edna, is what the writer of this article had in mind. 
Certain other customs may be remembered in this country among us who had grandmothers trained in the ceremonies of a later day. One of them consisted in putting the spoon in the cup to show that no more tea was desired; another was that of turning over the cup in the saucer for the same purpose. 

Etiquette also demanded that the tea should be tasted from the spoon, and that the hostess should then inquire, "Is your tea agreeable?" Certain scrupulous old ladies ask that now, and the question savors of a more sedate and gentle day than this. From The St. Louis Republic, 1899 and Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber,  Site Moderator for Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Tea Time in Morocco

Tea is an honored institution in Morocco, and it is the custom for the guests to take three cups in succession – the first with sugar, the second with the addition of vanilla and the third with mint. – Photo from Pinterest

“As a Paris contemporary observes, taking tea in France or in England is an easy and graceful process, but according to the etiquette of Morocco, the same can not be said. Tea is an honored institution in the houses of the Caids, and it is the custom for the guests to take three cups in succession – the first with sugar, the second with the addition of vanilla and the third with mint.

“The curious thing is the way the tea is made. The vessel in which it is brewed is warmed by the head of the house. Next he puts in the tea and sugar. Then, after a time, he draws off a cup and tastes it. The remainder goes back into the pot. This is repeated until the beverage suits the palate of the host. Then the cups are passed around, but they are not emptied by the guests. What, remains is pased back the host, who puts it into the vessel for the preparations which are to follow with vanilla and mint.” – The San Francisco Call, 1912